Niklas Andersson

About Niklas Andersson
Niklas Andersson is Professor of Compressible Flow and Aeroacoustics at the Department of Mechanics and Maritime Sciences at Chalmers Univerity of Technology. His main research interests are simulation of compressible flows, numerical techniques for CFD, modal analysis of fluid flows and simulation of flow-induced noise. The major part of his research regards topics related to aeronautics.
Niklas is the main developer of a massively parallel code for simulation of compressible and incompressible flows called G3D::Flow. The code is written in C++ and utilizes solvers and distributed data types available in the PETSc library. Niklas is also the creator of the, which is a collection of methods and tools for simple fluid flow analysis.
Niklas is the examiner and main lecturer of a course in compressible flow that is part of the Applied Mechanics Master's Programme at Chalmers University of Technology (Compressible Flow (TME085)) and a basic course in fluid mechanics (Fluid Mechanics (MTF053)) that is a compulsory course in mechanical engineering bachelor programme.
Contact Information
Niklas Andersson
Chalmers University of Technology
Department of Mechanics and Maritime Sciences
SE-412 96 Göteborg, Sweden